Who We Are
Established in 1990, as Turkey’s fifth leasing company, Finans Finansal Kiralama A.Ş. is an important player in the country’s leasing sector. Finans Finansal Kiralama A.Ş. continues its presence as one of the leading companies in the leasing sector to implement a customer-oriented approach and offer tailor-made models designed especially to suit customer needs. Finansbank A.Ş. and its’ subsidiaries were acquired by Qatar National Bank S.A.Q (QNB Group), the biggest bank in Qatar and a leading financial institution in the Middle East and Africa region. In October 2016 the name of the parent bank of Finans Finansal Kiralama A.Ş. was changed to QNB Finansbank. Together with all its subsidiaries, QNB Finansbank Financial Services Group aims to offer innovative, prompt and simple solutions to the financial needs of its customers. Our aim as QNB Leasing is to be one of the leaders in leasing sector and to enhance customer focused strategies. We are continuing to contribute in our country’s economy by developing convenient financial solutions for our customers who operate in various sectors.